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Doghouse Skirt

Started by Ruben, September 11, 2005, 08:59:38 PM

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Does anybody knows where I can get a new doghouse skirt for my 78 Clipper?
Any help would be appreciated..



It doesn't have to be new...
Any ideas??


Hi Rubin
If you are wanting the cover which is on the inside of the coach you might have a new one made by your local Upholster for this and have it padded or insulated real well to try and cut down the heat and noise.

Andy Illes

Ruben.... what are you calling a "skirt"?   Notwithstanding that mine's called Fred, so wouldn't know a Clipper skirt from a bra... still not sure what exactly you're asking about.



The common name of the engine cover in Dodge vans is "Doghouse"
I've  seen it covered with carpet, and a padded vinyl type material with pockets for storing things like maps etc. As far as I know,  this cover is called a skirt. You can see one in the second picture of Dig's rig in the Cleanest Clipper contest thread.
That covering is what I'm looking for, it does not have to be new..



I have seen them in junkyards believe it or not - and sometimes in pretty good shape - nothing a little soap, water, and then armorall wouldn't fix.

JC Whitney maybe for a new one??
ACOC  #2961
'75 Clipper 821F, Dodge 360........sold it in running a Ford F-250 towing a 2008 Layton trailer.