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No fan for defrost !!!

Started by susan-y, October 04, 2005, 04:25:44 PM

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Was warming up the Clipper today and promising her a trip soon..... turned on the defroster and couldn't hear the fan.  Heater, no fan .... but with the a/c selected the fan works on all speeds.

Could ya'll tell me a few things to check?  

The guy who did all the work on my rig retired (I probably helped him retire early :? ) and they closed the shop so I can't take it back to him. Dang it all anyway!

Richard Peterson

Now that you know the blower works, you need to find out what connects it to power in the heater position.  Chances are, you'll find some kind of switch incorporated in the heater, ac, temperature control.  I don't remember just how you access it as it has been some time since I had to service the cables but you get to it from the dash.   8)
Richard Peterson