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Various questions about my Clipper

Started by jason kovatch, August 28, 2005, 01:39:12 PM

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jason kovatch

I appologize for putting so many postings but I am new to the Clipper model and since I didn't have the opportunity to buy my Clipper off the previous owner (stolen and recovered insurance unit) I am sorta in the dark about my RV.  Thanks to all the responses on my previous questions.  The site is great and all you on here are just a tremendous help to other Clipper owners.  I hope I have the opportunity to help you guys out as the years go on.  Anyways, I yet have some more questions. the pump behind the driver seat does not appear to be the water pump.  It is screwed to the back of the dinnette.  It is an off-white container with a clear hose running from it.  The motor in it sounded and looks much like a windshield washer pump.  Also, as I drove it home from california to canada (1500 miles or so) I discovered some minor leaks.  The rear seal on the transmission leaks (probably from sitting), the oil pan has a slight leak, the power steering pump just began to leak (but I hit a coyote ont he way home...damn dark Montana roads) and most troubling I have a gas leak which appears to be dripping down right in the center under the motorhome.  Also, we gave the old girl a pretty good run(36hrs straight) and as the trip wore on she became tougher to start.  It would turn over great but each time we stopped for gas, it would take longer to fire.  Any ideas on this?  Well again this site is a godsend to a rookie Clipper owner and I look forward to reading and leaning more about this wonderful RV's. Thanks again and Godbless.

1976 21 clipper rear kitchen/couch'dinnette model (440)

Andy Illes

Hi again Jason.

That pump, particularly it's location, puzzles me.  That's definitely not a stock item.  If you are quite certain it's not the water pump, then all I can think of is that someone found a really stupid location for an electric booster fuel pump.  Track down where the hoses go.  If it is a fuel pump, get it outta there immediately and relocate it down where it belongs.

The gas leak from underneath is most likely the charcoal canister... it's located about where you describe... or a leaky fuel line.  Those are problem areas in any old RV.  If you scootch in right behind the front passenger wheel, you'll see the charcoal thing up against the inside of the frame rail.... it will have several hoses to it.  Question... did you have a problem filling the tank rapidly?  If so, you likely have a kinked vent line in the filler, and that can cause overpressurizing the gas tank to the point of flooding the charcoal canister.  Mine was kinked between the tank and frame (you'll see it).  Just trace the fuel lines, fixing/replacing as you work your way forward.

The difficult hot starts can be several things, usually fuel, and most commonly, it's a poorly seating float-valve in the carb.  Next time, pay attention to wether it starts easier holding the pedal down, or pumping it... that'll tell you whether it's flooding or starving.  Rodney's really the expert on that though.... I'm sure he'll see this and chime in.  Several of the other people have been through this as well and have terriffic ideas.

If you made that long a trip and that's the only problem you had, you got a good one.... ask any of us, LOL.


That white container/pump next to your fresh water tank:
1) Does it tap into your fresh water tank?

This is a wild guess - but some people intstall these radiator "misters" that will spray a fine mist of water in front of your radiator to help cool down your engine/radiator fluid on hot climbs, in stop/go traffic, really hot days, etc.

And many times they intstall the pump in this compartment. As noted - follow the line/hose and see if it ends up with a couple of mist nozzles clipped in front ot the radiator.
ACOC  #2961
'75 Clipper 821F, Dodge 360........sold it in running a Ford F-250 towing a 2008 Layton trailer.

Andy Illes

Well HUH!!!   Never seen or heard of onna those Horst... sounds like a great idea.  Thankfully, I haven't had overheating problems, but any idea who sells 'em?  Sounds worthwhile to have anyway.


People have been making those (home made) for many years - and now there is a company that makes it - but I forgot the name
a google search should find it for you though
ACOC  #2961
'75 Clipper 821F, Dodge 360........sold it in running a Ford F-250 towing a 2008 Layton trailer.


ACOC  #2961
'75 Clipper 821F, Dodge 360........sold it in running a Ford F-250 towing a 2008 Layton trailer.


My home had one of those cooler spray things under the hood! I didn't have a clue what it was for cuz some of the pieces weren't there.  Those kind of things IMHO are only a bandaid and what ever is causing the engine to over heat is need to be addressed.

I was looking for the posts about hard starting 440 engines but can't find it right off.
after you check all of the basics. fuel pressure, fix all leaks, vacuum and fuel tune up ect. and it is still hard to start after the home has either sat for a few days or hot. pull the dog house and the air cleaner and look down the carb and while looking down the barrels see if you are getting a squirt of fuel when you pump the throttle. if no fuel either your accelerator pump maybe bad. It you are still running the thermo quad carb I would replace it with and elelbrock 4 bbl. and be done with it. My 440 had the same problem and after the engine rebuild using the thermo quad I still had the same problem the new carb fixed the hard start period.
there are a fe choices and you need to use an adaptor for the carb to fit the oem intake and one for the throttle / kick down linkage.
don't fool around with the fuel system on your clipper use all steel fuel lines and the best of everything.. you don't want to burn down you new clipper!!