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This is what The Holley Tech told me RE changing 440 carb

Started by Rodney, April 16, 2005, 11:03:27 AM

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I e-mailed Holley tech asking there recomendations for a Carb for my 440 dodge. And this is what they had to say....

Thanks for contacting Holley PErformance Products Inc. I don't recomend installing a after market universal automotive carburetor on a motor home. A motor home is kind of a heavy duty application and the original carburetor is calibrated for the motor home and the universal carburetor isn't. I would recomend that you get a remanufactured version of your original carburetor.

While I GUESS I have to agree with Matt BUT I didn't follow his advice.
using an almost 30 year old carb or even a rebuilt thermo quad is BS IMHO. They are prone to leaking fuel and aren't that great of a preformer.
I now have an edelbrock 600 on the engine and think I am going to leave it on, I do need to address the fuel vapor lines but that isn't that big if a deal. right now I have them coiled and tied on top of the transmission an plugged off. Everything seems to be working fine like this.
I would much rather have a new carb on my home and not have to worry about it burning down my home of filling my engine with fuel and having to crank on the starter for ever to start it.