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Are you being nice to your Dodge 727 transmisson??

Started by Rodney, April 20, 2005, 12:39:32 PM

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I thought I would give you Dodge owners some heads up on the 727 tourque flight transmission. If you already know this great!! if you know something I miss let me know.
The 727 doesn't pump trans fluid when in park {unless the valve body has been upgraded} That's why you need to check the fluid level while warm idling in netrual.
To keep from a dry start when engaging in to drive or reverse after the engine has ran for a minute or two shift in to neteral and let the trans pump the fluid to all of the cluch packs, this little habit I have done for years knowing that no matter how long the engine runs in park you are still going to have a dry start if you go directly in to gear. This is very hard on the clutches. you will also notice the trans will respond much quicker going from netrual to a drive gear.
If your home doesn't have an extra cooler this is a good Idea. If you have a cooler check the lines that run to the cooler from the radiator and trans as more times than not after time the clamps will become loose. I also double clamp these lines for good measure. loss of fluid = dead transmission.
I also have a deep trans pan on my home which adds 2 quarts of fluid, this is good for extra cooling as heat is one of the worst enemy's of an auto transmission. the new pan also has a drain plug wihich makes changing the fluid much easier.
Change the fluid often. these transmissions are doing a lot of work to pull these clippers around.
Be nice to your transmission an they will work good for you for many miles.
The 727 is an excellent transmission an with a little care will be good to your for years.

Andy Illes

When I first got my Clip, it had a puzzling, odd quirk of "disengaging" for 5-10 seconds the first stop or two every time I drove it.... like it slipped into neutral by itself.... then lurched into gear and worked fine.   The fluid was right up there, a little over "full" even, so I spent hours checking every linkage piece, dimension and angle.... nada.  It was driving me nuts, and left me considering a rebuild.

I was underneath it changing the filter one afternoon, thinking it might be clogged, when another camper wearing a greasy NASCAR cap sauntered over with his Bud and after watching a while... "Whazzamatter?"   When I told him the problem... "Check the fluid?"... I said yeah, full.  After watching me finish up and refill it, killing his Bud, he muttered "Bubba... ya gotta fill them 747s in neutral."  
