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Started by retiredUSCG, February 23, 2005, 08:05:41 AM

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I replaced my carpet with vinyl tile. The carpet removal process is not that pretty. They used a gazillion staples to install the carpet. You will have to pull each and every one of those up.

About 1/3 through the process I started to use some large pliers to remove the staples. I simply clamped onto the staple and rotated the pliers in order to remove the staple. The curvature of the pliers enables you to exert much less energy.

In other words, you grab the staple vertically with the pliers and pull straight back. I had more success doing that than trying to pull them out with brut force.

As far as patterns, tiles don't require that. I'd suggest just starting on one side and work your way to the other side. Most installers/instructions say start in the middle; however, that would require cutting on both sides, in my opinion.

If I had to do over, I'd probably get a large refrigerator box or the like and cut a pattern from the cardboard. I use the patter to put a one piece vinyl over the floor. While mine looks good, I think a one peace would look even better.

That being said, when I replaced my refrigerator I manage to put a gash in one of the tiles. I have extra so I can just replace that particular tile. If it was one piece I would be up a creek.

In my Clipper, the bathroom floor is higher than the living area. The carpet hides the gap between the two surfaces; however, when you do tile you have to address the gap. I had to cut a 2/4 to the size of the gap and put tile on the vertical surface. Just be advise that you will have to utilize some transition molding/aluminum and woodwork so that it looks good cosmetically.

Don't think that removing the carpet is a 1 hour job. It AIN'T. Be patient and remove all the staple. I left a couple and I can see them through the tile. I would suggest using the tile primer as it seems to make the tile adhere better.  Also there are some carriage bolts that hold the coach to the frame. Make sure you use some spackle or something similarly to float those. I was so anxious when I did mine, that I didn't allow it to dry properly. I can see the bolt head bulging a little.

Lastly, make sure you plan for the rear step. If you plan to use tile there you will have to be crafty. I have yet to address mine. I have tile there but I don't have molding or anything to give it the finishing touches. Just be mindful of that.

Hope this helps. Good Luck!


Reading latley about all the problems people have.  Boy---sure glad I don't have those. I suppose I must be the luckiest person in the world. My little Cliper, my angle  is original  all the original (everything) as far as i have been able to determine  78  440 dodge  never have a thing go wrong and don't supect it ever will..  (Maintenace is the key)  PLEASE  don't repait or try to change what's not broken  you'll ruin the value.  MINE ----YOU COULD NOT BUY HER.
ACOC# 3514
1978--821F-- ser#48851 440 Dodge  Built on a Dream--Still a Dream.  Let's all keep it that way.


I used carpet squares for the main area back to the rear edge of the fridge cabinet.  I then used vinyl for the kitchen and bath.  Easy clean up.


I tore up my carpet, and the tiles and the separated plywood thin sheets and painted it all thickly with white sealant, then painted it WalMart Enamel Grey.    It sweeps up clean and when it gets too nasty, looking I paint it some more.      The floor in mine was not the best,   Many of the tiles were not even glued down.     I figure carpet will just get wet and rot the floors, and tile would not stick ( I'd have to putty level lots of places....)  So I painted it.    So now it's grey like the wood floors of the
planes I used to work on.    My tribute to all those hours twisted into some Hell hole, fixing wiring....  

It's pretty durable, grey paint.    

My driver side fold table and chairs are now a water tank box/step and a desk.    I got a swivel wall mount TV in the corner by the closet.  A computer monitor below that,  and the front 12neon I painted the bulbs RED.    I blocked out my side windows except the opening part.  

When I get another power converter, and put a PC in there, I can go
Parking lot Wi-Fi UNix Satan hacking.   And look like a bum.....
even with the saggy droopng RV rear.....  
I can even tie furniture and stuff on top.  

Ba ha, Ha ha, ha ha ha........

Sorry.    I'd never do that.   Even got a scanner in there to listen for the cops wondering what I'm doing in the parking lot of a finacial building

Do I seem disenfrancised to you?  

Someday later I want to build a portable tunable lighthouse tube High Power transmitter, and get a 400 Hz generator, so I can selectively jam
scanned frequencies.    Just to be a butt.   But I'll prabably be to busy working a Burger King.     I mean, since I have not found a technical job yet.