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acoc membership

Started by mikeyo, February 26, 2005, 07:50:46 PM

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hi i applied for membership to the acoc a couple of weeks ago. i'm in sf but the check hasn't cleared yet. any word from hq?

Andy Illes

Be (very!!!) patient.  It's not unusual for that to take well over a month (mine did).... it's a volunteer job.


Also, the Rally was last week so I'm sure the officers have been busily preparing and attending the Rally.

I sent my membership renewal a couple of weeks ago and don't know if the check has cleared. I figure they will get to it when they have time.

I will say that ordered some supplies with some reluctancy because I feared it would take forever to receive the I ordered. To my surprise, I got my order within a week to a week 1/2. I think that Mel ships things out 1 or 2 per month. So receipt of your order, depends on the time in which they receive your order.

Be patient!