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Generator Pros & Cons?

Started by Kip Woodring, June 10, 2002, 09:53:00 AM

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Kip Woodring

I'm going nuts trying to decide whether the generator is worth the trouble.  Most places we camp won't allow their use, and they take up a LOT of space that could be used for storage if it were removed.
We aren't particularly  "power hungry" anyway, so perhaps the only real sacrifice would be air conditioning. On the other... since we have it.. why not use it when and where we can? Tough decision.

I'd like to try solar. Can anyone comment on their experiences with solar?

OR... has anyone figured out a way to make the generator more or less quick detachable or "portable" in some way?

I guess what I'm saying is I'd like to install a 110 watt solar kit on my Clipper... AND rig the generator so it can be quickly removed and/or installed... essentially used as "optional" or temporary equipment, rather than a permanent installation.

Does that make any sense?


I'm going through the same thought processes as you are at the moment.

If you want a generator:
The best option is to plunk down the big bucks and get a real RV generator properly installed in your rig - period.

The next option is to get a portable generator of some sort. If you're not worried about running the AC, then you can get a small one (1000 watts or so) which will be fine to run TV, fans, recharge you coach battery, etc.

But if you want to run AC - well then you have to get something bigger - typically 4000 watts or so. One of the more popular set-ups (which I detailed in an earlier post) is to get 2 Honda 2000i portable generators and run them in parallel. This will set you back over $2000, but gives you many choices. Honda makes the best portable generator in my opinion.
Another less expensive option ($700 or so) would be the Generac 4000exl - but then you have to figure out where you're going to put this beast (150lbs).

I've put off getting a generator for the time being - but I'll eventually get the Generac 4000 and tow it with my utility trailer when we go to desert lakes without hookups.
ACOC  #2961
'75 Clipper 821F, Dodge 360........sold it in running a Ford F-250 towing a 2008 Layton trailer.


I put an Onan Micro Quiet 4000 in our Clipper. For someone who really hates the heat, it's sure nice to be able to run the house A/C.  BUT..... I've only needed to do that ONCE so far.  I've used it a few times to recharge the house battery when we've been parked for a few days, but I could just as easily do that by running the engine.

All things considered, if I could do it again, I probably would have gone with adding a couple of batteries and a solar panel and saved myself some money and a few pounds.  My TV runs on DC, we don't have a microwave.. so I don't actually use much AC power unless I run the house air.
Shayne Barr
ACOC #3146