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Started by aliendude, September 08, 2004, 11:54:53 PM

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Does anyone need 21ft rear kitchen folding table side seat hinges?  
The wierd gray hinges.   They are heavy....    I had them in overhead
storage and one fell out and almost knocked me out.  

I'm remodeling and putting a desk all along that side for HAM radio
equipment, or WI-FI surfing hacking ELINT van equipment.  

I was going to trash them but thought to post them on here.



Send me a PM with your phone number. I think you might have what I'm looking for.

What floor plan do you have?


I was offering up the hinges.   I don't need them.


I understand completely.

I'm not sure if you have a hinge for the table or the bed/couch. I'm looking for hinges for the flip bed. I have the FCIT model that has the flip bed been behind the driver's seat. If that's what you are getting rid of,please confirm. If so you can send them to me and I'll pay you for shipping and your trouble.



That's what I have.   It was the bed behind the drivers seat.    The one with the seats on either side of the fold down table.     The hinges look
the same as the ones for the longer bench seat fold out bed - behind the
passenger seat.  

I won't throw them away then.  

I thought about keeping 2 of the 4, for spares for the bench seat bed.

I'm to the point of just needing to get the RV smog inspected
and registered for when I move.



I took some picutures of the hinge that I have. If the ones you have are the same. Please put those puppies in the mail to me. Like I said, I repay you the postage and whatever you want for them.



Is the above link what you have? Let me know!


Okay Dave what's the story on the hinges!


I still have them......  I've been out-processing retiring / job searching...
trying to get my clipper road worthy to's just

I'll scrounge a box to box them up soon.