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Now the water pump..... groan

Started by Andy Illes, January 10, 2005, 06:55:01 PM

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Yep - black plastic with "silver highlights" was the stock set-up - and ugly as heck in my opinion!
Took me almost 2 years - but I finally found a sweet chrome grille off a 73 and it looks so much better - lets more air in too....
ACOC  #2961
'75 Clipper 821F, Dodge 360........sold it in running a Ford F-250 towing a 2008 Layton trailer.

Andy Illes

A day for really nasty words today!!!

I really wanted to get the pump in, so I clamped a wood strip frame to the front, covered it with plastic sheething, stuck my trusty Honeywell space heater in there, and went to work..... in 9* temp.  Worked great, except for my poor toes.  Oh well.

You guys ready for this one?  The other day, before dark set in, I'd gotten all the bolts out except the one attaching the power steering bracket (I don't have smog, Dave... mine's a low-mount PS pump too) cuz I couldn't find the right socket for it, or so I thought.  This morning, when I could see.... guess what?!?   Know why I couldn't find the right socket?  Cuz some MORON had actually WELDED the bolt head to the adjuster bracket!!!!!  That bolt was totally frozen including into the water pump, so the only thing was to first cut the bolt head off, then cut the pump away from the bolt with an angle grinder (even managing to avoid nicking the timing cover  :D )!!!   The last belt change, whoever did it probably rounded the bolt-head, so he banged an adjustment and welded it.  Geeze!!!   Anyway, that took all afternoon, but I did get the old pump out and the new one on, though I have to find a 5" grade 5 3/8 bolt... sigh.  We're expecting a blizzard with up to 20 inches of snow starting at noon, so I guess I'd better work fast, huh?

Thanks for the grille color answers guys, I was just curious.  Mine's body-color now and I think it looks ok.


Brrrrrr.............That sounds like a Cambells Soup commercial.
No wait, they don't show real life.  

My power steering pump started drip leaking last night.   I guess the
cheesy dexion rear bracket for it and incorrect pully angle has
ruint it.    So now I'll have to fix it when I get money for a pump.
With the price of everything now, the pump is probably like a hundred

Minor exhaust leaks from one manifold cause the pipes were sagging
where they dump out in front of the rears.....

Leaking Shower drain seal.

Leaking sink drain seal.  

Driving around working out the bugs.  

Still have to grease the U-joints and lower ball joints......

My differential was almost 3/4 of a sqeeze can of gear oil low.  

Soaked leaf springs with spray dry lube, and wd-40....

Sill have to try to adjust rear brakes up.....