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coach exterior lights

Started by phoenix, December 19, 2004, 07:29:51 AM

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On a 24 footer,  which exterior coach lights get red lenses and which get amber?


Amber in front red to the rear always :D


That is assuming that once your replace them they wires inside the
roof area are still good.     I just replaced like 6 assy's and none of them
worked.   Which means I have to rip out the walls to find out what is
wrong.....none of my front lights work.


Hey Aliendude
Don't tear the walls out yet!
When we got our rig I replaced all the running lights and soldered all wire
connections. I remember that the front set of 7 start at 1 side
light and run light to light to the other side. Same in the back. Sorry I don't
remember what side first ( having a senior moment ). My point is that  all but number 7 should have 2 wires tied at each point. Check this first, you will probably find the open circuit.  The same for the ground wires.
Good Luck


Thanks...........I figured it would be like X-mas lights...  none of my fornt lights work, and only one so far on the top rear.   ( pulled to hard on the green power wires in the back and it ended the circuit........ DARN )