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Funnest/Dumb Think you have done

Started by bigray, November 29, 2004, 07:09:51 AM

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Hi All,

On our way to Mississippi for Thanksgiving, we pulled into a RV park at about 1 am. It was about 13 miles off the I-10 highway. I wanted to stop at a Wal-Mart or the like and get a couple of hours of sleep; however, I couldn't find any propane at that time of the night on Thanksgiving eve.

At any rate, when I pulled in it was very dark so I rolled my window down to make sure I was in far enough to connect the electric plug.

Stay with me. I got out plugged in and went through the back door to catch some z's. I have a small Wal-Mark space heater that oscillate and works really well. It was warm inside but not like it has been in previous trips. I figured it was just a bit colder.

When I got ready to leave at daybreak, guess what I realized? I left the front window down. Duhhhhhhhh!

We usually drape a blanket to separate the cab from the coach however it was still a bit cool.

You live and learn. Right!

Tell me about the funniest thing you have done so that I can feel better!


Hay Ray thats a bute heres another brand new ski boat first time out put in the plug disconnect the wiring to the trailer and slide it in the water only to see the boat and trailer flooting sideways and a hundred of fellow boaters laughing there buts off dumb new guy forgot to take off the tie downs that hold the boat to the trailer it was two weeks before I finnaly got to try it out and at a different lake :oops:



I hope you enjoyed your trip to your son's Jim.


We did great trip only ran into trouble in Medford Oragan started snowing as we started over the pass but thanks to a wallmart truck that had yegn yangs big as Texas he wasent going to stop as long as he was plowing the way I just went with the flow how was the rest of your trip outside the window bit               Jim


I've left the front windows down at night.

I've left the pin out of the awning arm so it starts swinging around in the wind.

I've forgotten the hose while filling up the fresh water to return to puddles.

And perhaps the worst I ever got was not getting the sewer hose snug enough and when I pulled the black valve.. well... it was yucky.
Shayne Barr
ACOC #3146


GREAT topic, Ray....  :lol:

Hmmm... critter event first.  Onna the first places I took the Clip after I got it was to the DuPree Nature Preserve for a weekend with 2 of our horses, Mariah and Starter.  (Now "ex") Patty drove the Ram with the trailer.  The camping area's about 2 miles inside the Preserve along a bumpy, winding sand road.

We packed up to head home Sunday afternoon.  I left in the Clip first to chore the stalls before Patty got back with the horses.  Patty and I had just had another argument and she was screeching something as I pulled out, but I just ignored it.  I'm bumping along heading back outta the Preserve, and passing riders are laughing their butts off and razzing me about being so damned lazy exercising my horse.... huh???   Happened to glance in the rear-view.... There's Starter, staring back at me.  Patty had tied him to the ladder while she was loading Mariah.... guess that's what she was screaming about.  Oh well.  I've always wondered if he could do 60 if I'd gotten to the road, lol.


My emergency brake wasn't holding when I got her and not wanting to strain the "Park" pawl, I got in the habit of blocking the wheels and carried some 4x4 chocks for that.  The day I left for my first outing to a campground in Lake Worth - John Prince Park where I had a gorgeous (and sloping, as it turned out) lake front site reserved - I got around to snugging the emergency brake up.  Like Ray, I got in really late (having stopped for dinner and a "few" drinks with a buddy along the way).  

The next morning, I realized I'd forgotten milk which I HADDA have for my coffee, so I disconnected to head to a 7-11.  The thing would NOT move... it just strained, and strained!!!   "Damn..." I thought, "snugged the brakes up too tight!!!" so out came the wrenches... loosened it back up a little.... the thing would STILL not budge!!  I'm pacing around nearly an hour later trying to figure out what on earth could be wrong ..... when I noticed the 4x4 chocks under the back tires.... DUH!!!


Van windows down?  Know how many times I've awakened, and wondered why the hell I'm covered with mosquito bites?????  


Then, there was the time I went to Key Largo and Key West for some diving and general goofing around.  Spent about a week getting to Key West (all campgrounds with plug-ins).  Met a really cool lady at Sloppy Joe's (Ernest Hemmingway's old hangout) and invited her back to the Clip for a potroast dinner I'd left simmering on the stove all afternoon/evening (I love to cook).... only to find it still raw.... no flame!!   Also, no hot water for a badly needed shower ???????????   Well duh, I'd left the fridge on "gas" the whole time and between that, the water heater and stove.... it had simply run outta propane.


That same Key West trip, I hadn't gotten used to checking the holding tank levels regularly yet, and had read not to use full hookups... and besides, the dump hose that came with it had broken and was too short to hook up anyway.  I was at the Fiesta Key KOA and went into the Clip's bathroom for morning "chores"... when (Like Ray recently)... I noticed a funky smell.... and noticed the shower floor (where I stored my charcoal and Jawsie's food bags) was flooded, with sortta... umm... funky smelling "odd" stuff floating around in it.

Yup..... black tank had overflowed.... YUCK!!!  Thank God for Clorox!!!


Ever forget to check the overhead clearance pulling up to a Wendy's Drive-Thru window (after a 20 min wait for fat people's 10-bag orders)?   Ever notice how the 6-8 cars behind you get really, REALLY upset when you tell 'em you wanna back out?


Ever notice you can't see the Puerto Rican kid's tricked-out Honda Civic that pulled right up to your rear bumper at a light... when you need to back up to get around the car that just stalled in front of you?  There are a whole LOT of "interesting" sounding Spanish words I gotta learn.


Know that pesky coach-battery selenoid by the radiator?   Ever just hotwire around it... and forget to disconnect the hotwire when you pull in for a (cold) night.... and wonder why your Clip won't crank inna morning?


Ever walk your sneaky doggie at a rest stop.... and several tired miles up the road, notice there aren't any ears flapping out the passenger window?

Ever notice cops don't much appreciate people making fast U-turns across the median???


Ever pull into a campground late, bone tired... and climb up into the perch without bothering to put the ladder up like you always do?   And wonder what the hell happened when you find yourself flat on your ass between the driver/passenger seats after trying to climb down the ladder inna morning?


Ever go to sleep on a balmy, starry night with the escape hatch cover wide open... and wake up at 3 AM.... wondering why your butt's soaked to the bone?  And your first thought is if it's time for Depends???


Ever stop to gas up.... and down the road, passing people are shouting at you and pointing and gesturing wildly??  At first, you shake your head at all these crazy people.... but then look in the side-view... and notice the door didn't latch?  At least the dog's head's sticking out the passenger window instead of patiently waiting at that rest stop, huh?


Did you ever REALLY think you're gonna make it to that service area 23 miles down the road, when the guage's on "E"?  HAH!!!!!


And of course.... how many have needed cosmetic scalp surgery on account of the stupid cabinet-edge above that "hand valve" on the stock potty??  Why is it that you NEVER learn that one?!?!?!?!?


Ummmmmmmmmmm .... ok, somebody else's turn.....  :lol:


Andy, you are one funny fella. Either you have been camping way longer than I have or you enjoy way more beers than most.

Those where to funny. Thanks for sharing. I can't get the picture of the horse trotting beside your Clipper out of my head!

I think everyone will agree with you about knocking your head on the cabinet over the toilet. Sometimes I just reach up to stop the blood from running in my eyes but luckily I have punctured my skin yet and it just hurt like hell.