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Started by tday, November 15, 2004, 12:58:31 PM

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I've purchased a 21' rear kitchen model and I have been trying to refubish the interior.  I am a fairly new ACOC member and this is my first post.  I have everything working except the kitchen and bathroom lights and the furnace fan.  I know that the lights are on the same wire, and my guess is that the furnace fan is on the same wire/circuit as well.  I was wondering if anyone could give me some direction on how to track down the problem?  Also, the curtains are in good shape, but most of the the plastic guides are shot.  The tracks are in excellent shape, but can I replace the plastic guides that are sewn onto the fabric?  Finally, does anyone know if carpet kits are available for the cab?  Everything else is in good shape up there, but the carpet is shot.  Thanks in advance for any information.
Tristan Day


Tristan this may sound dumb but did you check all your fuzes Id start there first don't trust just looking at them check them with a meter, as for the carpit try J.C. witney they would be your best bet or take out the old laY IT ON SOME NEW CARPIT and cut ou a new one it's not that hard, the curtin tape no one makes anymore but you can  :D


I guess my Clipper really is pretty "Getto"......  Curtains?  Carpet?   Furnace?
I painted my floor to seal the old wood.....multiple coats....for now...
Lots of staples in that carpet...

I guess the furnace is what went next to the Fridge ( 21ft ) ?  There is a
blocked off 4 X 8 vent there.... and ducts.....