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Solve Starting Problem Trick

Started by Proud2BAmerricun, November 20, 2004, 01:15:22 AM

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For those of you that are having problems starting your Clippers try this. I have a 1978 Clipper with the Dodge 440 and the stock carb that came with it and I haven't had any problems starting it when I start it like this: First thing you do is push the accellerator down to the floor and hold it down for 5 to 8 seconds then release the foot pedal, count to 10 or 15 seconds and turn the motor over with out touching the foot pedal and BLAM!! it will start almost every time, guarenteed. The motor will usually turn over for about 3 to 8 seconds before it fires up. It has always worked for me unless it has set for about 2 weeks or longer then I will usually double pump the accellerator, hold it down twice as long (10 to 20 seconds) and wait aproximately twice as long (20 to 30 seconds) before trying to start it. This technique not only works on my Motor Home but it also works on the 3 other vehicles I own and I strongley recommend you try it. Let me know how it works for you. Keep in mind that these Dodges are notorious for flooding easily and are very cold blooded animals so be careful not to pump the accelerator to much before allowing the fuel to get to where it should be before turning it over. Good Luck and Good Clippering!

                                           Ron H.
21' Bunk House, 440,
pearl paint, flow masters,
and a lot more! Also for "SALE".

Going fulltime need bigger Home!