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Started by dig, September 18, 2004, 06:32:11 PM

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Was wondering if anyone has had any luck rebuilding the air conditioner compressor clutch assembly. I found a rebuild kit for around $160, but have not bought it.

My rig did great on my first outting, but I did have some A/C issues. On the way back (from northern Nevada to SJ), the A/C compressor started making really ugly sounds when it was off. When I turned on the A/C, the noise went away and it made cold just fine. Problem was that I had to drive over the Sierra Nevada Mountains to get home, so having the A/C on was a bit taxing on the power. I am quite sure it is just the clutch assembly, and if I could just do that instead of replacing the compressor, that would make me very happy.

Anyone try this? Anyone else have this problem with the clutch assembly? Would anyone be interested in a How-To article on this, or is this fix too specific?

Thanks -


The Chrysler R2 compressor clutch assy is a removable piece.    It's held on by one large nut and 3 small screws.   It has a spline key.     It's easy to replace.   I just took the old dry system off my clipper when I put in a new motor.    I threw it all away.     It was usless anyway.

Robert P. Anderson

:idea: You can take the clutch assembly off and replace only the big bearing if everything else is OK for a fraction of the price for a rebuild kit.
The bearings all have a name and number on the race side. All the parts stores and bearing supply should be able to help you out. I use Grangers.