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ballast resister

Started by cdall, September 02, 2002, 08:38:00 AM

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Took Old New 440 1980 Listing "Clip" on second outing.  The first outing was to scales at work. (28 mi ea. way- b-4 & after workday). Were flanked for and aft by Allegro 30 something and Safari-too big.  At approx. 38 mi out, engine just quietly stopped. (This means no power steering...) We were going 50 mph first time and 45 mph 2nd time.  The too big turned around and came back and turned around and pulled up behind us. We were on secondary road AIA. Decided to see if "Clip" could make it to park about 1 mi up road.  He did.  We had lunch and cooled off.  "Clip's" temperature was normal on the guage, however. Decided to keep camp site since closer than further away. Afterward would take to trusted mechanic nearby.  We were thinking problem was heat related fuel pump at the time.  WRONG! "Clip" has almost 100,000 mi  on him I might mention.  Trusted mechanic meerly replaced the ballast resister (On fire wall)that showed cracks and would turn off the voltage (like pulling a plug)when reaching a certain heat as the cracks expanded. Brought Clip"  all the way home without incident a weekend later.  


A spare ballast resistor has long been on the "Recommended Spare Parts to Always Have With You" List     Now if I could just remember where I put the rest of the list.
Shayne Barr
ACOC #3146


Amen to the having a spare ballast resistor.  It saved my bacon recentley.  The clipper would turn over but no spark.  It was the ballast - behind the brake master cylnder..