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fuel routing

Started by phoenix, November 28, 2003, 05:02:00 AM

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On a '78 Dodge 440 with a Thermoquad is there some functional reason why the gas line travels along the bottom right of the engine, passing within a half inch the exhaust pipe, forward to just underneath the alternator, then turns around to come along the trans, wrap up and over the bell-housing to finally enter the carb from the back?  Could I just cut out the extra and run fuel hose from the metal line coming from the tank to the metal line entering the carb?

Also, could somebody explain what the charcoal canister does and what it means that the line from the carb was plugged into the purge nipple on the canister?


Elvira I don't know for sure sence mine isent here to look at but I think the lines go to the mech fuel pump if yours dosen't have a pump then someone before you removed it and it uses elec instead if thats the case yes you can rerout it, as far as the canister goes it's part of the smog system when you shut off the motor it colects fuel vapors that would normaly go into the air and stores them in the canister untel the next time you start the motor then there sucked into ths carb and burned by the way you need to clean or replace charcol in the canister  


Thank you, Jim.  Yes, the fuel pump is electric so I'll do the rerouting.  And thanks for explaining the charcoal canister.


Any length of fuel line at that location is a terrible fire hazard, just waiting to happen.If you must use a short length of fuel line hose. MAKE SURE it is Fuel injection type hose.  Regular fuel hose is inadvisable.
Bob Chaney #2626


Bob, OK--I'll use metal line with short rubber connectors of fuel injector line then wrap the connections with insulation.  I thought about that and figured moving the line away from the exhaust manifold was enough, but your note has stopped me from cutting a corner.    Thanks for the tip.


Elvira, the reason you should not use fuel line hose is:  the fuel pump has a suction side (from the gas tank) and a pressure side (from the fuel pump to the carburator).  Any hole that develops from age or accidental cut will allow gas to be sprayed all over the hot engine under pressure.  I've seen two clippers that had hose installed in this area and I convinced them to change it.  I think it's very dangerous.