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heat riser problems

Started by Proud2BAmerricun, November 21, 2003, 11:56:00 PM

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I have a 1978 with a 440 engine and I was wondering if anyone else out there has had a problem with the heat riser? Mine just fell apart and kept the exhaust from escaping which in turn made my engine get extremely hot. I'm in the process of replacing it but don't know if I should go to pick and pull and get a used one or purchase one new. Are they that critical of an item or can I just do away with it entirely? Appreciate any help or advice anyone can give me because I'm fairly new at this stuff myself.


Ron it would be better to get a new one if you get it at pick a junk your getting one thall most likely end up like yours shortly, are they needed ? it helps the engine warm up faster by routing exhaust gas through the intake manafold and supose to lower emisstions by making the chock open quicker other than that there a peice of junk that should be put at the bottom of the sea. unfortsontly I think we have to have them in Calif to pass smog  


 After doing some other investigating I have found out that these heat risers are a joke but like you said I think they have to be in to pass California Smog Emissions. Thanks for your input and happy clippering.


I have headers on my clipper and it's been smogged eight times.  Heat risers are unnecessary to pass CA. smog.


Thanks Tiger Cat for the great info. I was beginning to get a little worried about passing smog with out a heat riser but not any more.What a releif! I love this site.