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Hi Clipper Nation

Started by dadw, July 05, 2013, 03:26:41 AM

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Hi all,
        I thought I would just say hi to all past and new clipper owners out there.  I haven't been active the last couple of years.  But!   I am again working on and enjoying my 78 Clipper.   My Wife and I are going to change the interior to a brighter color soon.  I will be rebuilding the carb soon also.  Oh yes I must add I will be replacing water lines.  Water and below freezing temps have a way of telling you who runs the show from time to time.  Anyhow,  Just wanted to say hey to all out there to all the Clipper Family.        Dadw


That seems to be the way of hobbies... get caught up in them and spend every waking moment and available dollar supporting them, then trickle it down to almost nothing until you look at it and get all caught up in it again.

On a full-time basis, I much prefer to be around dark cool colors, but I've used lime green, bright orange and Sun Records yellow in my clipper (the upholstery is dark brown, carpet is mottled browns) and I love the bright cheeriness of it.  It just feels like a celebration every time I step inside.  ;D
'75 American Clipper Dodge 360 821F; ACOC #3754


....and don't forget the wonderful tassels that adorns your eclectic clipper...parrot and all.!,,
We loved seeing your happy Clipper at the rally. All of them are beautiful in their own right, right ?!
See ya next time Elizabeth
1979 440 Dodge 21' Bunk      #3766
     Murphys, California


Ah yes, my wonderful fringe!   ;)  When non-Clipper folks check out the inside, they notice the ceiling storage very quickly due to the fringe.  Before I put it up, I had to point out the storage.
'75 American Clipper Dodge 360 821F; ACOC #3754