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dog house clamps

Started by spikey, September 14, 2010, 06:20:20 PM

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does the dog houses have 4 clips? i've only have two, at the upper left and right side. it also seems to leak hot air  and such from the bottom seals all around. !duck tape at the moment. hay john e., seems you have some knowledge on many subjects.

John Eversoll

  The dog house clamps "

There are two"  left and a right...

  there are two stationary clamps on each side and are  or were in my case"
screwed into the floor..  Which I removed... for easy access.. That is why I get the hot air

Not because the wife keeps talking about places she want to go see"

  I am trying to find a couple of clamps at a wrecking yard to see if I can make them work

like the ones on each  side
I will let ya know how it comes out or if ya want you can do it first and let Us know
What is your 20....Or where are ya located....John 


I have a 1976 dodge  I have  stationary clips on the upper front right and upper left side. At the bottom of the dog house there are three clips hold down with  screw.   One each at right side , left side, and the very end[back].  I was able to purchase these clips in the Parts list, from the American clipper's club.  I will try to find my parts invoice and maybe an address for the list of parts available. 


I was able to buy the floor clips (clip, screw and threaded insert) through the Dodge dealer.


i live in jackson,ca. which dodge dealership did you buy those clips.

thanks lionell