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Started by milliraye, December 20, 2002, 02:10:00 AM

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I am looking for coverage on my 1976 Clipper. I have a quote of $125.00 per year (liability only)
Is this the norm? and what can I expect to pay for roadside assistance insurance?


Milssa.Go to greetings for my answer.Larry.


I recently purchased insurance through Progressive. Cost was $84/year, but I doubled it for $9 more ($93). It is just liability. It is based on your state (I am in Alabama) and driving records of all drivers(I am the only driver with no wrecks and no tickets). Try an independent agent.....they have more options than company agents.


Regarding roadside coverage, we use Good Sam, in addition to our regular coverage by Liberty Mutual. Theirs costs $100 per year  and coverage applies to our other vehicles as well.  
Harold, #886