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Started by war_eagle0110, January 02, 2003, 01:51:00 AM

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On the inside of my RV is a labaled panel with a switch and light labeled Generac(Remote start/stop?). Also,above the dinette is a label for Generac.  BUT, the generator that is installed is an ONAN. There is a wire bundle on the generator near the top front that appears to have been cut, and a wire bundle from the RV in close proximity that also appears to have been cut. (It appears that the original Generac was replaced with an Onan.) Now the Question: Can the Onan be wired for remote starting using the Generac panel? If so, does anyone have a wiring diagram they might share?  


Best bet fined a onan dealer and buy a new harness and switch it will come with the diagram and should be easy to hook up