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Electric wires attached to black & gray water holding t

Started by Steve J. Taravella, November 23, 2002, 07:13:00 AM

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Steve J. Taravella

I have a problem with the electric wires that are attached to my black water holding tank and the monator pannel in the coach. The wires were attached to the tank with metal screws that have rusted and broken off. The tips of the screws are stuck in the outer wall of fiberglass material of the tank. I would like to know if this has happened to any other coach owners and how they fixed the problem. Any information would be appreciated.

             Steve Taravella #1920


I havent had the problem but heres some tips you can go to sears and buy there screw removers kit its great or you can drill out the screws and install larger screws if you cant get them out you can drill them out and use molly bolts with silacone sealent works great I used this to put a auto flusher to my black tank