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Coil Spring stabilizers - first attempt - failure!

Started by Horst, April 16, 2010, 08:49:00 PM

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Got those spring stabilizers today - and was all excited to get them installed.
But then...........
The first issue was the fact that JC Whitney didn't send me two sets like I ordered - only sent one set (I paid for two - was charged for two - only received one - this was a bad omen)

Got home and got the floor jack - read the instructions (fairly decent instructions, then started............... I didn't even have a chance of squeezing that sucker into the springs - not even I don't know if they sent me the wrong set? - or if I measured wrong? - or, if I'm not installing them correctly.

So I'll try again tomorrow - maybe try and tap them in with a rubber mallet and a 2x4.

Side note (maybe a sign of sorts??)....a regular customer (BMW mechanic) came in for lunch and was there when my coil stabilizers arrived via UPS. I showed them to him, and just like a previous customer said, he indicated that they will not work in "stabilizing" a weak coil spring. He said it will simply shift the failure point to another part of the coil - and that installing them may even cause worse problems (break the coil).

So I went home with that in the back of my mind when trying to install those suckers.

Round 2 tomorrow or Sunday - I almost got knocked out in Round 1!
ACOC  #2961
'75 Clipper 821F, Dodge 360........sold it in running a Ford F-250 towing a 2008 Layton trailer.

John Eversoll

Hey there Bro,  Sorry to hear about the problems you are having!!!!!

Loard Knows that we have ALL" me"

have and are having.   On another bad note,,, I myself have had very bad luck in returns with JC. Wit.

I still am awaiting a return check from them---1 yr in the wait.

I call and call and talk to Amed and never get anywhere....

My loss"   I do hope you have better luck  tomorrow.. 

Take care, John.........  Oh, I think there is a NASCAR Race on tomorrow,I'll watch that!!!

John Eversoll

Hi there Horst, how did ya make out with the springs today????

I missed the race myself today. Spent the day fighting with a sink faucet.

and still havethe problem........ Snap"

Well I hope everything is working out for ya.


Hank Jourdin

Hey John, you didn't miss a thing it was rained out, so get that sink fixed!   Hank Out!


Didn't get to try again on Sunday - gonna have to wait until next weekend - hopefully - but I'm not confident quite frankly
ACOC  #2961
'75 Clipper 821F, Dodge 360........sold it in running a Ford F-250 towing a 2008 Layton trailer.

John Eversoll

Hi there Bro, I watched the race today....

and I just finished the repair on the Kitchen sink!!!!
and opened an O'duels...  I( got the new distributor for the rig and will put the

thing in tomorrow morning.

I just hop that that is my whole problem!!!  I would hate to shoot the thing...

how you doing at your end..  Take care, John


hmmm............spoke with a "hot-rod" dude who works at one of our wholesale accounts.
He basically laughed at me when I told him the techique I was using when trying to install those stabilizers.
Then he laughed a bit more when I told him about how I planned "tap" then in once i jacked up the beast a bit.

He said - I have to get a "coil spring spreader" - and that's the only way. Then he went on to tell me (now the 3rd person!)  they would not work - he had tried them years ago - no go!

Oh well - it only put me out $18 - maybe I'll put them on craigslist for $10 - heh heh!

Need to save money for new coil springs and new shocks......................then a Honda 2000i..............then some headers............then convert to EFI (big bucks)..................then a gear vendors unit................then an auxiliary 20 gal gas tank...............then hitch reinforcement....................then re-wire the entire rig..................then new paint job and some preventative body rear leaf springs and air bags.............remodel/reconfigure the bathroom........chop/remodel front gaucho and then install reversible passengers seat.................I need to win the lottery!................or sell the Clipper and buy an Airstream motorhome.......blasphemy I know.......but they are SWEET - like this 25 footer
ACOC  #2961
'75 Clipper 821F, Dodge 360........sold it in running a Ford F-250 towing a 2008 Layton trailer.

John Eversoll

Hey there, don't feel bad!!!!

Sounds as if you and I are running a close second!!!

Got the rig running today, noticed the dog house has three cracks in it.

Now to install the newer DODGE VAN SEATS.  They re a bit wider at the base

But with my welder and the extra steel I have laying  around the house   "they will fit"

I got them out of a 2005 Van in great shape and cumfy too..

The only question I have is the alt gauge reads to the extream right!!!!  when running.

Now I don't have cabin batts---they are dead and were removed.  Get new later"

I might have to rewire some or most of the rig.....   I noticed the the gas gague

is no working???  I just installed a new sending unit.........><)(&*@#$%&^

OH the list could go on and on....  But I too need new front springs...

I got a price on two for 250 bucks.....I was told that they are the extra heavy duty

springs and then the Extra heavy duty shocks .  The price was a shock, I thought I was going to have a heart attack...  218.bucks....

I am still living in the old days......Remember those.. when an over haul would cost 200

Well, take care we are both in the same boat.
