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Gasket for doghouse

Started by Larry C, October 23, 2002, 01:52:00 AM

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Larry C

Have a 78 clipper w/ 440. I am having a problem with hot air blowing on my feet while driving down the road. If I keep my windows up is not as bad. The doghouse itself is well insulated and cool. I am hoping that a new gasket might help. Does anyone out there know where I can find one.


We had the same problem.  What we found was that the dog house cover was not seated properly.  We moved it around, pushed here and there until it seemed to almost lock into place.  Then we tightened the bolts.  We find that whenever a mechanic works in this area, they never get the cover back on correctly.


I've found that the following method of installation is important.  1. Set the cover in place.  2. Fasten the clamps on the cover to the firewall first.  3.  Then tighten the cap screws on the floor gently because they're going into plastic which will easily strip.  I have three screws on the floor.  One on each side and one at the rear of the cover.  Some Clippers only have two.  (Some 78's.)  I'm still using the original gasket with no leaks on my '77.


Check with the Dodge dealer. We just installed new gaskets for the cab doors and the doghouse gaskets are on order. They are still available.

Richard Peterson

If when you examine the gasket, you find that only a few places are bad, you can repair those with some black silicone sealant.  This worked for me.  
Richard Peterson