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Pulled furnace today

Started by prophetdaniel2, August 03, 2009, 10:15:38 PM

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I finally got around to pulling the suburban furnace form its holy niche today. The sail switch had been malfunctioning since the last time I had it removed (the first time ever? most likely!). I believe the switch got some rust/dust in it when I replace the ignitor board, which was the reason I pulled the furnace in the first place. This is the unit I used replace original board:
It works perfectly! Very advanced for this antique rig.
The problem was that the furnace would fire up properly (fan blows for a time, ignition sequence, burn to temp, ignition off/cool down) then the sail switch, literally a switch with a sail attached:

would get stuck in the up position, indicating that a blower fan fault had occurred, and that a fire in the furnace would be forthcoming. (dinosaur electronics ftw!)
Of course this necessitated me kicking  :o my furnace periodically throughout the night to reset the sails-witch and get some heat.
If you have never removed the furnace, It can be a chore requiring a lot of muscle work and a few restroom breaks to refrain from soiling ones self from shear frustration, not to mention careful bottle jack placement and possible purchase of a flaring tool.
I used compressed air to initially clean the switch, then used electrical contact cleaner and lubricant to......well.....clean and lubricate the switch!. Then I slightly gave the sail a bit more back bow to encourage the fall after the blower shuts down. Initial testing indicates success but only a hard overnighter will tell the truth!
p.s. I also went through the Generator and replaced/repaired worn/old (original?!) fuel lines. Fires up quicker now!

Deep man....Deep.

John Eversoll

Hey Dan!!!!, Tell me ----  Since I am removing the fridge from my rig and putting an electric
fridge in its place----  Does the heater run off the fridge propane??  At this I am very stupid and am Not afraid to say it..
I havent disconected the fridge yet and am going to try and do it with my daughters help.

But I guess what I am asking is " Does the heaterr run off the fridge and if so what do you think I should do for heat since I wont be running the propane fridge..Thanks Bro.  John


     No worries! provided your setup is original or matches mine you shouldn't be either out of heat or more than about a dollar in brass fittings. stand by for a post later tonight with pics!

John Eversoll

Soo way Cool DSude!!!! I be in and out, my night to cook dinner


ME TOO! Fish pie! Halibut....mmmmmmmm

John Eversoll

 ;D  Just for the Halibut---- LoL

Hey I loved that pic that you posted,  Wish I had all the pics I took while up there...

Ex wife--- kept them---


Here's the deal:

In this picture you can see the steel tube plumbed in through the floor of the clipper, capped with a brass fitting which splits the supply between the fridge and the furnace (the fridge supply is on the back side which you cannot see in the pic, but is  identical in size and fitment to the furnace) both the furnace and the fridge are connected to the brass "L" fitting with flare fitted copper tubes.

You should be able to disconnect the fridge in the fridge compartment and "cap" the end with hardware/plumbing store parts >$1.00?

If not I have this:

which I will send you for free! from AK! in the hopes that it will help!

John Eversoll

Hi Dave, just wondered if you had that info on removing the fridge and what the furn.
runs..   John :)