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temp sensor location?

Started by prophetdaniel2, July 31, 2010, 04:25:54 PM

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does anyone know the exact location of the engine temperature sensor on the 440? i ment to ask this question before but forgot.

John Eversoll

Oh Danny Boy da dee da  da da da da da dee dee deeee

   I know exactly where it is.........

  If you talking about the water temp that is in front right next to the water pump...

  single push on wire"   

Hey, how much trans fluid do I put in the trans>>>>!!!!!!!!!!!!????

New trans never has had fluid in it --  that is why I ask....   John


John, It calls for 9 1/2 quarts. Pour in 8 quarts. Start the motor and hold your foot on the brake. Slowly put the shift lever in each gear and then back to park. Check fluid level with the motor running in park. Fill just to the hash marks on the dip stick cold. Test drive until the fluid is hot and recheck. The fluid will expand as it gets hot so do not overfill.     Doug in big ditch