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Fresh Water pump

Started by Khyron, July 01, 2009, 06:31:44 PM

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My Fresh water pump seems to be leaking on the left side. is there a specific pump to purchase or is this a fairly generic part?


John Eversoll

You can take that fresh water pump to any camping store and get a replacement

I had mine go out while on the road and just took it to Camping World.  Replaced it with 40
dollars and back on the way to fresh water.


Quote from: John Eversoll on July 01, 2009, 07:49:44 PM
You can take that fresh water pump to any camping store and get a replacement

I had mine go out while on the road and just took it to Camping World.  Replaced it with 40
dollars and back on the way to fresh water.

very cool, It apears to be leaking from one of the connectors, possibly a o-ring. I brought it into my shop today and will see if thats all it is :)


Well, I replaced the O-ring and put everything back together, put a lot of new line in and new clamps (figured while I was there) Still had a leak when I put everything together, Upon closer inspection I noticed a few small cracks on top by the presure switch, disassembled it, put on some $4 plasic weld, and bam, all fixed.

She only leaked bad when an external water source was plugged in, This seems to have helped but im anal ;)

I put a bypass switch inline from the inlet from that T to the pump, so when I attach to an external source, I reach in, give it a twist and the water hank is seperated as is the pump :)

All this for about $20  ;D

also mounted the pump in a better spot, so if it leaks again it's not on teh power cord  :o

John Eversoll

Sounds great, I love to do quick fixes but in the long run I just get fed up
and replace the problem...  take care,  John


Quote from: John Eversoll on July 02, 2009, 09:56:09 PM
Sounds great, I love to do quick fixes but in the long run I just get fed up
and replace the problem...  take care,  John

I agree, But with the crack only being on the switch cover I'm considering it a fix ;) I feel though in the longrun the bypass gives me piece of mind, I may just a better valve and mount it in a permanent area. I'll take Pictures when I get a chance :)

John Eversoll

Sounds good to me !!!!! ;D

I remember when we were camping at some  camp ground up north calif

we were hooked up to the city water and I did have a presure regulator on the hose!

We woke up to a lake in the coach!  Seems as though a hose clamp! had worked it's way loose

and waaa LAAAAAAAAAA  instant Clipper wading pool.   New carpet.....


regulator - gotta have it when connecting to shore water - lots of horror stories on that (no regulator, forgetting to turn off the water - boom - come back from your walk  and water running out of you Clipper - not me fortunately - but I have heard stories.
I no longer hook up to shore water - it's over rated in my opinion.
If I'm at a spot that has water hookup - they almost always have showers/bathrooms, etc. - no need to connect to water - and I rest easy.
ACOC  #2961
'75 Clipper 821F, Dodge 360........sold it in running a Ford F-250 towing a 2008 Layton trailer.


hehe hmmm, I never thought about turning the water off when I didn't need it. I should think about that. I have always thought it was wierd that the water pump was near the main electrical Plug  :o could make for a camp fire clipper  >:(

John Eversoll

Yea, Plastic looks kinda silly while burning.