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Started by John Eversoll, June 14, 2009, 12:57:21 AM

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John Eversoll

Is there anyone out there in R v Land that knows where I could buuy a rebuilt fridge
for under $1,000. ??????
Or should I just break down and buy a new one :)
Just don't read this, give me a clue.....LOL john


My Wife and I agree:
-If you are LIVING in your Clipper, Spend the money.
_If you only camp recreationally, Go with a 110 Wal-mart fridge, and supplement with dry ice, etc.

John Eversoll

I would go with a wallmat thingamajigger but "the wife has her " views"  Plus I was thinking of electric and running a converter to keep the dam thing COLD... I willjust give her another Jose shot and see if I can change her Mind>>
After 30 yrs together I think I can understand where she is coming from........  " I HOPE"

Any way, I just want to get a bigger fridge the shoe box fridge is way too small. I wonder if you can

order larger electric fridge units other than the small bed side units?????