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bath pics 3

Started by JerryT, July 30, 2007, 02:18:12 PM

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The first pic is of the floor space I reclaimed  by removing the (box) and the second vent/drain pipe. 2nd pic is inside the shower stall showing the recessed soap shelf I added. It's hollow behind the outside shower wall, the grey vent pipe and the gas filler are back there, I rerouted the vent to give me a larger shelf area. As bonus, I now have access to the back of the shower valve which I flipped over so the shower hose could hang down instead of leaning out (up). I also mounted the shower head in the corner (3rd pic). To give more usable showering space. (fourth pic) I changed over to an Ibeam style curtain track that I bent into an arc that bows out into the sink area, doing this, and putting the shower head in the corner, and having the new shelf, I feel as if my shower has grown 2X. My soap shelf is a shortened plastic medicine cabinet trimmed with a 14" fan garnish, I got both at an rv surplus store for $5. The bowed shower curtain uses the taller (shower curtain) 84" not the shorter 70" bath tub curtain. The track is rv also. I can now say that by adding the hindged shelf under the back window, the drawer in the kitchen wall, the recessed soap shelf in the shower stall, and the bowed shower curtain, and also doing away with the (box) the bathroom went from tight, to allright for us.