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refilling propane tank

Started by amclipper, May 04, 2002, 04:27:00 AM

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Standards NFPA 58 went in effect April 1,  2002.  This standard requires that LP-gas tanks be fitted with an overfill protection device.  I have read several different versions/opinions as to which LP tanks this standard refers to and which tanks are exempt.  My question is, has anyone had any problem refilling their Clipper LP tank?  Has anyone been told that they must replace their tank or have it modified before the tank could be refilled?  Thanks. Ed


Ed I went to three R.V places and it's only the portable bottles that have to have it the Clipper tank is exemp


The horizontal propane tanks on the Clippers have an overflow tube installed.  It should be loosened so you can not put over 80% into the tank.  You can also watch the gauge and when it gets to 3/4 full stop filling.  You can damage the regulator if it is completely filled.


My propane dealer tells me the new regs only apply to portable LP tanks.  Those that are permanently affixed to motorhomes are supposed to be exempt.