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How to refinish wood panleing in the clipper

Started by Leslie Jones, May 07, 2006, 10:50:46 AM

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Leslie Jones

whats the best way to refinish the panleing, mine is peeling off?


I have read that you can rag stain on the worn areas and then poly the whole thing with a satin finish. I need to do mine also so let us know what you learn.


Very true...........I did mine and I was amazed at how it came back. I tried some Murphy's oil soap previous to that and didn't have the same results. Make sure you wipe the wall down if you've tried Murphy's oil soap.

Just take a wet rag and wipe one of the walls and you'll see how the luster comes back; however, when the moisture dries you have the same ol' dull look. When you use the polyurethane it captures the look. Don't get any that's too shinny as it probably won't look right.

Good Luck