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Dumb question.... anybody need a chassis?

Started by Andy Illes, August 26, 2005, 07:37:29 PM

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Andy Illes

Came to a screeching halt.... '76 looking Sportsman cab/chassis... obviously an RV one.... RV part's removed.... turned out to be a '71.  Guy'll take $450.   Brand new Goodyears all around (800x16.5)... started instantly.  Has a 318, 81k miles, used regularly... new battery (Eheapo).  AC clutch is noisy.... AC works, needs charge.   Tree fell on the RV part last year's hurricanes.... cab's perfect, no rust at all... except the seats are pretty shot.  Same exact dash, doghouse, etc, as Fred's.  Drives funny noises at all, shifted fine, good brakes.   Looks like a new propane tank, same as ours.... dual steel gas tanks, look to be about 30 gal each.  No fresh or holding tanks.  MUCH stronger frame extension than ours.... 4"x1/8".  Didn't see any leaks, drips.   Guy doesn't wanna part it out, just wants to sell as is.  I offered to buy/swap wheels/tires.... no deal...  guy thinks it's a "selling point"... so why hasn't he sold it in a year??  lol

Anybody interested?


I have one I will give you!!
The 1979 Harvester I bought for parts is all but ready for the salvage yard. But there are still lots of good body parts on the cab. perfect doors, hood and fenders. the tires are fair all 6 of them. I was planning on keeping the old thing around for a while BUT just yesterday the Jefferson County code Enforcement officer paid our place a visit... I was at work but my wife intercepted him taking a walk on our place heading down to the old home. I have a NO TRASSPASSING sign on the front gate!!! guess that they don't count.. anyway I have to get the old home moved cuz I am in violation of some BS code.
Guess I don't need another one Andy. That would be a but of a haul anyway wouldn't it? The price sounds ok I guess if you are looking for those parts. I just couldn't see a 318 being enough motor for an RV? Then again I have always liked lots of Cubic Inches. Theres no replacement for displacement now is there?

Andy Illes

Bummer about that inspector Rodney!!  Yeah, they aren't much bothered by "No Trespassing" signs... usually codes/ordinances let 'em ignore those.... sigh.  One thing about my placeout here inna boonies... there ARE no inspectors.... heeeee

Cubes v. rpms.... always been an interesting issue.  Wanna see some REAL cubes?  Next time you're at any port, get aboard most any cruise ship, freighter.... wangle a look at onna those marine diesels.  2-story high cylinders... pistons literally the size of 50 gal drums... 2' dia rod journals... 8" nuts holding the heads.... 4" on rod caps.  They're assembled in palce.   Flat-out - maybe 1,200rpm.... idle at Revs Per Day, not min.  Bazillion hp and ft.lbs!!!  

Other end of the spectrum... pocket-rocket, formula, Indy, etc engines.... 200-300cc a cylinder... oodles of screaming hp at 12-16,000 rpms.... zilch low-end... "idle" at 3-4,000 rpm.. spitting reversion even then.  Then again, there are NASCAR motors... do nearly the same as Indy/formula.  Then, there's electric and turbine.  Or how 'bout model car/plane/boat 2-stokes... can hold 'em in your finger tips.... 8-10 hp at 20-30,000 rpms. Just different ways to the same end, take your pick, huh?

Dunno about a 318 not being enough.  My 360's always been more than I ever really needed... even inna Rockies.

My thought in posting was if anybody needed major parts, the guy might part it... junk the rest.  Same 727 tranny, Dana, suspension, frame, etc.  Wish I wouldda known about this while in Fancy Gap, huh?  Sigh.   Perfect cab, panel, doghouse, grille, front bumper, etc.  Ray's probably off somewhere this weekend.... if I email ya pics, you know how to post it Rodney?  Only a few mi from here.


Sure I can post them for you, send them to
not to large please.
you need to get an account @ so I can put your photos there for you it is really easy to use I bet if you tried you could even do it. I could step you thru it it you like.

wouldn't that be something to work or just to be around an engine that HUGE?  Ron our machinist in town was in the belly of one of those ships and wrenched on them. he has some good stories how they fixed them on the move.
See ya got to get the old motor home stripped out some more.
BTW do you know if the cruise control is made by perfect circle? that's whets in the parts home but might be and aftermarket item ?

Andy Illes

Ok, thanks about the pics... I'll get over there later or tomorow, snap a few.

I've had my cruise apart a couple of times now, and don't remember seeing any brand ID on any part of it.... sorry.  I've never been able to get mine working right, and am thinking it's in the control stalk now, not the unit itself... since I used to be able to get it to work by wiggling the stalk, while setting it.   I thought at the time there was a shorted wire cuz I saw fraying that I fixed with heat-shrink.  I never could find any troubleshooting guides, and the schematic I have doesn't show that circuit.  The cruise was onna the things I was interested in about the chassis I saw, but it doesn't have it.

Probably any after market one'd work, they come with pretty much universal brackets for mounting.   I got one years ago from JC Whitney that I put in a '76 Eldo convert.  It worked off a pickup that sensed magnets you hadda space around onna the CV joints.  Rest was the same.... vacuum pulled a chain hooked to the throttle linkage... the control unit screwed to the dash.... think it was around $70.  The only thing I hadda scratch my head about was where to mount that sensor.... but on a rear-drive, you'd put the magnets on the drive shaft, so it'd be a no-brainer to find a good spot for the sensor.


Hey Andy...I see you survived the storm....i was in north florida didnt get any rain....where is that would be almost be worth my while to buy it just for the tires...which i far is it from it driveable.

Andy Illes

Haven't been back over there David.... but yeah, think it's driveable.... no tag though.  It's just outside Stuart, onna road off 76 to the St. Lucie locks.  The guy's name is Tom... 772-342-3642.


Any body need a chassis ?? Reply
Thats a fair question, and applicable to this forum. What I don't understand is the value of all this miscelanius drival on random subjects in the replies. When did this become a personal gossip page? :roll: Also whats this ISQ garbage.?? I don't think to many of us out here care about some ones unrequested sexual proclivity.  Bob.


Sorry if I got off the subject a bit. I really don't think Andy would have cared since he started the thread. Opps I won't let it happen agian Sir.

Andy Illes

Junebob..... "ISQ".... whazzat?   "Sexual proclivity"..... did I miss something good????