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Dometic refrigerator freezer door gasket

Started by WaveRIder, July 25, 2006, 03:17:50 PM

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There must be a place where I can get a gasket for the freezer door for
less than 48.00!!!!!
Anybody have a suggestion?

Richard Peterson

I used white silicone to create a gasket on the freezer door.  First mask off the edges with masking tape, then run a bead of silicone around the perimeter where the gasket would seal the opening.  If you level off the wet silicone to about 1/8", it leaves a pretty good result.  Hope this helps you.  Sometimes the cures are really simple! 8)
Richard Peterson

Richard Peterson

Added thought.  Be sure and remove the tape before the silicone dries.  Actually, you can remove it almost as soon as you spread the silicone. 8)
Richard Peterson


Thanks for the imput! :D Finally got door in place and found one of the hinge/springs was broken causing door to not close properly.  Have ordered spring/hinge  from Canada.  Hopefully all will be good as new when installed.
Update:  (Thanks for your imput about "reefer guy"...)
Installed hinge/spring on freezer door.  Like NEW!! Keeps colder than
house unit.



FYI..........Anyone need a good refer guy, try Al Crane in Vallejo, Ca.  He rebuilt mine last year and it works great and saved me $$$  He has used and new parts as well.  1-800-309-0535


ACOC  #2961
'75 Clipper 821F, Dodge 360........sold it in running a Ford F-250 towing a 2008 Layton trailer.