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Fire Hazard !

Started by aliendude, December 18, 2005, 03:56:45 AM

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Hey Guys,  I wanted to pass this on.    It's strange.    

I worked on the driver side inner wheel well wood subfloor of my Clipper.    There is a Ground Rod that goes from the Breaker Box down to this galvanized 'subfloor' I guess between the camper body and the van floor.....   Anyway I cleaned it up this ground.    A few days later I was working on leveling the plywood floor and laying self stick tile in the inside of the Clipper when I noticed a spot on the floor was getting really hot.....
I was plugged in to shore power at this time.....

I was not imagining this.    So I cut a 4x4 hole in the floor to see if there were chaffed wires under there...........

All I found was a rusty long U shaped floor nail in the old wood subfloor structure......  Somehow this was ARCING thru the wood to the GALVANIZED subfloor.    Maybe the paint I had put on the plywood floor was conductive....or had metal filings in it many layers....

But it was strange and Heck and could have burned my unattended charging clipper.  

Strange as Heck.........Kind of freaked me out.

So don't grind/cut bolts in your clipper if rebuilding the motor....
I guess......
