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Location of the generator switch

Started by Skip Molen, October 23, 2005, 09:12:27 PM

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Skip Molen

Hey guys can you tell me or send some pics of where your generator switch is located. I would like to mount mine in the same place the factory did. Also any help with wiring it in to the existing config would help too. Also Can I tap into the gas line with a t or do I have to run a sperate line from tank?



Hi Skip
on  my model which has the 2 swivel seats on the passenger side with the little table inbetween them, below the seat towards the front is where my gererator switch is mounted. not really very handy but the wires it the gererator are close.
the fuel is tee'd in to the fuel line on my Clipper.
hope this helps


I think the genny is in a good location because I can just reach back and start or stop my generator while I'm in the driver's seat. Buy Horst is right it's not a good locaiton if you are in the rear of the coach and have to bend down to start the genny!

At any rate, my genny fuel line was T'ed into my fuel line but I'm pretty sure it was causing trouble. I droped my fuel tank and added a separate fuel pickup line. I have several posts about the problem and the modifications I made

Good luck!


Hate to say this but I had the same fuel problem with my Clipper this weekend that I had previously. I took it to Baton Rouge to return a trialer I borrowed and on the way back I had the same problem I experienced last year. I thought the separate fuel line fixed the problem but I guess not.

Andy Illes

Sheesh Ray...... how many times we gotta tell ya..... PUT SOME GAS IN THE TANK!!!!

Just do it by the numbers to find where the problem is.  Pull the hose off at the genny.... see if you can siphon fuel.  If yes, the problem's in the genny..... if no, try it at the tank nipple.  If that works.... the fuel line has a break... if no, you have a pick-up problem.  Keep in mind that a clogged filter will usually pass some fuel, then clog again.  If the genny shuts down, but will restart in a bit, then shut down again.... suspect a filter.

Sorry you're having a problem again.   :roll:


The problem is with my engine not the genny! My generator is working fine!