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Dometic freezer door Q

Started by Andy Illes, October 13, 2005, 05:45:58 AM

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Andy Illes

Hi guys.    I sprung my freezer door.  It has spring-loaded nylon pivots with cross-shaped projections in the fridge walls that mate to the hinge brackets on the bottom of the door, that keep the freezer door shut.  

You have to "pre-load" the nylon jobbies to hold the door shut, and after
an hour of cussing, a cut on my thigh from the door dropping, brackets and screws flying all over.... I could only get one in right. There HAS to be a trick to gettting both spring jobbies wound up and put in the hinges.

Anybody know how to do it, before I kill either myself.... or shoot the stupid fridge???


andy- i just went through the same thing when i replaced the freezer door seal. it is necessary to remove the door to install the new seal as you must remove the inner and outer door halves of the door to perform this project.
my suggestion is to remove two screws from under the freezer door pivot on either side. this will allow removal of the door assembly.
you can pull the pivots you speak of out of the refrigerator sidewall.
turn the pivots 1/4 turn towards you [from the top] and use a thin screwdriver to depress the spring loaded pivot into the receptacle in the door with the door in the closed position. then rotate the pivots back in place with a screwdriver. there is a locating stop pin that will snap back in place when properly located in the closed position.
re-install the two screws on the door pivot you previously removed.
my fridge model is a dometic rm66e.
WARNING! these plastic parts can be brittle and might break.
i had no problem there, but please be careful!
my repair is not from any publication,just my own experience.

Andy Illes

Hi Tom, thanx for the reply..... that's exactly what I was asking about.  However, what I'm having a problem with is keeping those stupid spring loaded hinge-pins "wound", while at the same time trying to engage the door parts.   Either the spring things snap back before I can get the door hinge part engaged, the door-hinge thing goes flying, or the door falls on my head.   Would you mind explaining that part more clearly?    :lol:

Thanks again


Hi Andy,
the fridge in my clipper had one of them U shaped spring cabnet door things mounted in the middle of my door and the other part on the upper part of the freezer to hold it shut.
It just dawned on me that it was someones fix for holding the door shut after the same thing happen to them. I thought it was OEM  :oops:  It worked anyway and maybe a way to go? since I sent my old fridge to the wrecking yard I can't tare it apart to see what makes it function to add any ideas to repair what you have.


andy, the key is to pull the spring-wound pivots out about 1 inch and rotate them counter-clockwise on the left pivot and clockwise on the right pivot 45 degrees [top of the pivot toward you].this will provide the needed tension when you are done.
push them back in the hole as far as they will go and hold them there while you re-install the door with ONE of the plastic door brackets off the door [the ones held to bottom of the door with two screws]
re attach the door plastic bracket and screws, then use a screwdriver to push the spring loaded pivots to their original position.
again this stuff can be brittle. be careful!

Andy Illes

Ok Tom..... think I've got it now.... thanks again!!!    I'll give it a shot tomorrow and lettcha know how it worked.    :lol:

Andy Illes

All I can say is......


but got it!!!!!!   Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

I think Perch's Mad Stapler went to work for Dometic as the Mad Freezer Door Spring Winder.    I kept thinking there shouldda been a warning on the stupid thing.... "Folks, don't try this at home"   Sheesh!!!!!