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Started by lisa bergman, July 03, 2002, 07:05:00 AM

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lisa bergman

Hi this is my first time so sorry if this doesn't make any sense.  My generator was working good just had it tuned up.  Took our first trip in our new rig, when at 186 miles we were dead on the side of the road. (50 gallon tank) Ended up with a clogged fuel line and filters had that fixed and headed home.  When the guy took the fuel tank off to clean he found it half full of crud.  When he put the fuel tank back on I no longer have any gas guage or generator.  No one can seem to help me.  Any ideas?


I can't help to much with out seeing your rig but two things come to mind  one he forgot to connect the sinding unit wire on the tank easy to check slide under look at the tank youl see a spade connector were a wire should be the wire should be there also the generator problem does it turn over but dosen't start if so he drained the fuel line when he dropped the tank I had the same problem had to use starting fluid to get it running so the fuel pump would start to suck again if you have a elec fuel pump that might get fuel to it also hope this helped  

Mark Smith

Check that all of the wires are correctly hooked up. If they are and the guage still dosent work, you might have the same problem that I had:
My rheostat wiper broke off. Repair as follows:

Remove the sender from the tank.
Find the small metal housing that contains the rheostat.  (First joint)
Twist the metal tab to open the housing.
If the wiper has come disconnected, it may still be in the housing.
Solder it perpendicular to its attachment point.
Reassemble the housing,
Reinstall the sending unit into the tank.
Hook up all the wires.

If the wiper was broken, the guage should work now.
If the wiper was not broken, nothing is changed, Keep hunting for the problem and let us know where you find it.
Mark ACOC# 1077