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blackwater tank

Started by caninecaravan, August 30, 2005, 09:33:51 PM

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We are totally new to this process and I have just found that by crawling around underneath, a valve which looks like it will dump a tank. This is different from the valve on the side with a sewer typ cap plub on it. What have I found and what do I do. Also the battery is not coming up to full charge and the panel show the battery light is lit. What is this telling me? Also the tank under the bench seat is full and there is a valve underneath by the exaust pipes which is dripping. Am I in trouble or what do I do. Our first road trip is Spet. 8th and I am trying to learn as much as I can by then. Is there a manual for a 78 rear kitchen which will tell me how the systems work and what you are supposed to do with them? HELP
canine caravan ACOC #3552

Andy Illes

Hiyya.   Sounds like the valve you found is for your graywater dump... the blackwater one's "outside", next to the outlet cap.... have to reach way under to get the gray one.  Most folks open and drain the black tank first, then the gray... helps flush the nasty stuff outta your hose.

The tank under your dinette's the fresh water tank.  The valve you found is to drain that.  Mine was broken and I just plugged it.  I'd suggest draining that tank, putting some bleach in with maybe 1/4 tank of water... let it sit a day or two, running it though all the faucets now and then to sterilize the pump, lines and valves too.  Btw, there's a filter by the outlet in the fresh water tank... it can get incredibly fouled with nasty, NASTY algae and slimy stuff.... enough to even keep the pump from being able to draw from the tank.  The bleach treatment and flushing oughtta take care of it.  With a full tank, if the pump runs but no water... have to take the tank out to clean that filter.

Are you talking about your coach or engine battery?  Not sure what light you're talking about.  In general, if any battery won't take a full charge, usually it's shot.... but it could also just be corroded or loose terminals.  Clean and tighten those....see what happens.   If you need to replace, get the highest capacity battery that'll fit.... deep-cycle (marine) type for the coach.  There are a lotta threads on the subject.

Good luck.


andy, where is the fresh water filter you described?
i have serviced components in the water tank storage area underneath the dining area bench seat and replaced the fresh water pump under the other bench seat but have never seen a filter.
my water tastes fine,but am curious just the same.

Andy Illes

It's right inside the fresh water tank at the pump outlet.  There's a nylon or plastic hex-nut thing.... unscrew that...  the filter's a round sortta "tube" like screen jobbie attached to that nut thing.  

Good luck,


Thanks for the great information. I am having a problem with the water inlet ffor the city water hookup. It is always dripping. I have tried capping it, but it continues to drip. Any suggestions.  

Canine Caravan
78 440 rear kitchen
ACOC #3553
canine caravan ACOC #3552


Make sure that a hose gasket is in the water hose inlet port (not the water tank fill port, there is a difference),  also if you haven't already

Get an inline regulator! :!:   the regulator will drop the pressure to a lower level that what may be on the city water side.  Believe me... if you don't you will blow out a fitting.

The water tank drain can be replaced.  Ace Hardware...

Also, I have a hose bib just inside the passenger side of the hose inlet port.  Check to see if you have one.  You can use this to drain the water lines, fill a bucket, wash hands after dumping etc.  

I find on my rig that my water pump will not charge the lines unless there is at least 1/4 - 1/3 tank of water.  

There are threads on the board about that battery light.  I believe that it means the battery acid level is low or the charge is low.  I don't have that so maybe someone else can expand on that.