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Solar Power ??

Started by CanadianClipper, August 25, 2002, 12:17:00 PM

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I noticed a 12 volt outlet in the cupboard above the fridge. If I hang a 15w panel in the driver side window of the coach and plug it into this outlet will it charge the coach battery. If so do I have to put some kind of regulator on the line or does the regulator in the solar panel do the job. Second question if I place a multy outlet plug in into that spot can I charge and plug an inverter and have both going in and out simultaneously ?


Pretty obviously that 12 volt outlet has been added at some point; no such outlet was standard. Without the shore line connected, if you find 12 volts on the outlet, it is no doubt connected to the coach battery, in which case you should be able to charge the battery  with a solar-cell charger connected at that point, and/or obtain 12 volt power using a multi-tap connector.
Harold #886