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House Battery

Started by LarryAlida, June 27, 2002, 04:46:00 AM

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We have a 1978 21 ft.rear kitchen. Can I hook up to 110 power if I don't have the house battery installed? When I connect the 110 the charge lite on, the panel is showing what looks like an overcharge.I know the house in very good condition and charged up.I'm worried about the overcharge condition.Thank You.Larry.


When you connect to the power line, a relay in your power supply switches all loads to the power converter and connects the coach battery to a variable rate battery charger. Our battery charger section failed once while the rig was in the garage and connected to the 115 volt line. The charger did not cut back and remained in full-charge mode, ruining the battery. The converter manufacturer sent me a replacement circuit board which fixed it. You should be able to run on 115 without the battery in place, as long as the cables don't touch each other. You can check for overcharge by inserting an ammeter between one cable connection and the battery post. If the battery is fully charged the current should be low, on the order of 1 amp.
Harold #886


HPotter.Thanks for the reply.I'll give it a try.


Hi Larry!  I purchased a battery terminal knife switch (about $20 at RV supply places.  When I'm hooked to shore power for a few days or more I open the knife switch, to be sure the house battery doesn't overcharge.  Works well for me.  Tad