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Free Dump Site in Roseville, CA

Started by Toedtoes, December 30, 2013, 03:34:33 PM

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I found a free dump site in Roseville, California.  It's at the corner of Foothills Blvd and Albertson.  There is a Midas shop next door which comes in handy (especially when your gasket separates from the plastic and you can't close the damn valve).
'75 American Clipper Dodge 360 821F; ACOC #3754


Midas !?
Do they do RV plumbing now !?!? Exhaust is exhaust I suppose !!!!
Just razzing you Elizabeth !!
1979 440 Dodge 21' Bunk      #3766
     Murphys, California


That visit had me putting a hacksaw on my "must get for the toolbox cupboard" list.   ;D
'75 American Clipper Dodge 360 821F; ACOC #3754

Clipper Joe

Hi Elizabeth,

Did You Get Your Dump Valves Repaired/ Or Replaced?

Can You Snap A Few Photo's Of Your 1973 Unit, Wanted To See If It Is Same As Our 1977.

Like I Said I Got My Replacement Valves From Link On Clipper Site Dupree Products.

ACOC # 3749

1977 Dodge 440  Rear Kitchen
Note: Clipper Sold: (Miss It)
Now Own 2002 Class A Diesel Pusher


I did. I had the guy cut the drain pipe above the old valves.  Then he put in new pipe and placed the new valves right at the edge on either side of the drain.

We talked about what type of valves and I told him to go with whatever would be the easiest for me to work.  He went with the new Valterra valves.

It's just starting to rain right now and it's dark out, so I'll try to take a photo tomorrow or Monday (whenever it isn't raining).
'75 American Clipper Dodge 360 821F; ACOC #3754