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to many cooks..........

Started by susan-y, November 23, 2005, 08:08:06 AM

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This was in response to Andys Thanksgiving note... guess I need a few more cups of coffee :wink:

Hear! Hear!  Keep a kind thought for me tomorrow, it'll be my mom, sister, niece and couple female friends in the kitchen tomorrow!!  Nothing like 5 women (who are free with thier opinions, me included) cooking a meal! :shock: Dad will be smart and just nap in the easy chair until the feathers quit flying and it is time to eat!  Should be fun! :roll:

Happy Thanksgiving

Andy Illes

So Susan...... did ya survive it???   I have only ONE comment to make about the whole thing......

<<<<< burp >>>>>>

well, ok..... so 2 comments....


What I wanna know is how they manage to breed these new turkeys to have so damned many leftovers!!!!  I SWEAR every time ya open that fridge door.... that tinfoiled platter is higher!!!!   Anybody else notice??

Hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving... and the kitchen catfights were at least non-lethal.... :):)


Well Andy, it actually went pretty well.  Usually everyone brings something that "just needs warmed up", "just needs a few minutes on the stove" or they are "just gonna throw it together" at the counter (this is a small country kitchen) and it is mayhem.. but this time, everyone brought a salad or dessert and left the oven and stove alone... woo hoo!  I took a couple bottles of vino, that helped for a good day!  Hope everyone elses was fun too. Sue


Went away in the clipper for thanksgiving. Lost the alternator and then the voltage regulator on the 78 aand replacement ran a cool $400. got to the campsight, plugged in and the sureflow filter blew a cnnection. No water to shower or cook. Next time I think I will stay home and just burn the bird.
canine caravan ACOC #3552


"Lost the alternator and then the voltage regulator on the 78 aand replacement ran a cool $400. got to the campsight, plugged in and the sureflow filter blew a cnnection. No water to shower or cook. Next time I think I will stay home and just burn the bird."

Ouch!!!  Talk about a Turkey day that you won't forget!! :?  I have my fingers crossed for your Christmas!