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Interior mods and Tips & Tricks

Started by Horst, August 28, 2005, 07:50:41 PM

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Well - how about we all submit two, or three, or ?? of our favorite modifications to the interior of our Clips - with pics and basic instructions?

I'll submit a few of mine as soon as I can - (cut me some slack though please - I have been working 75+ hours a week since March 25).............enough of my whining..............

I'll submit my TV mount - my 12 volt socket mount, my microwave install, and maybe one or two other basic structural fixes that many people overlook (don't put too much heavy stuff in those overhead cabinets, unless of course you have done Horst's mod - heh!)

I wanna get some ideas from all you creative geniuses out mods are pretty basic - but functional.
ACOC  #2961
'75 Clipper 821F, Dodge 360........sold it in running a Ford F-250 towing a 2008 Layton trailer.


Here's one of my major mods.
I replaced a peice of ceiling paneling which led to replacing the fridge cabnet. I also installed a vertical rod from the sink area to the ceiling for more support where it was sagging. I used the fridge cabnet for more roof support. I had the ceiling jacked up while doing this mod. I used solid oak for the framing with lots of screws and glue when I went together.
I removed the A/C unit and installed a vent since I am not big on A/C and it needed fixed or replaced.