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Starting Problems

Started by HPotter, June 20, 2002, 02:22:00 PM

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If you believe in carrying spare parts for emergencies, a couple you should consider are the starting relay and the ignition ballast resistor.
If the starter won't turn over the engine and it's not a battery problem, there's a good chance it's the starting relay. This is a dual relay that has two functions--it supplies power to the starter solenoid and also shorts out the ignition ballast resistor for hotter spark  while cranking. I've seen at least four failures of this relay in our chapter.
The ballast resistor is another frequent-failing item that will stop you dead in your tracks. If it fails, the engine will start but immediately die when the key is released. Both of these are mounted on the outside of the firewall, with exact positiions varying with model. The resistor  is a plug-in requiring no tools. They are both stocked in auto parts stores as after-market items.
Harold, #886