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LED Interior Lights

Started by Shayne, January 17, 2005, 05:06:50 PM

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In an effort to extend dry camping ability, I've been looking at LED lighting solutions.  Maybe I should have just replaced with flourencent, but LED is more efficient, and would still allow for original look.  ANyway... I finally found some LED's that should work for our interior lights.  They are flat PC boards with a pigtail with an 1156 connector on it.  A little silicone glue to hold them in the light fixture and they should work.

BUT... they aren't exactly cheap.. though I think they are still cheaper than a decent flourecent fixture, are supposed to last darn near forever, use less power etc...

Here's a link -  Scroll down toward the bottom of the page.

What I am really looking for is if anyone has seen anything similar anywhere else for less?  I already got a couple other bulbs for the side reading lights from eBay, but I don't see anything like these on there.   With LED's they need to be pointed in the general direction you need the light.

If nobody comes up with another source, I'll get 1 or 2 and check them out for how well they actually light things up.  Might be that we would still need a good light in the kitchen or something, but these should be able to put out enough light to keep from tripping over things in the dark  ;)
Shayne Barr
ACOC #3146


Such a geeky solution - love it
