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Meryy Christmas

Started by Tequache, December 23, 2013, 01:11:35 PM

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 I want to take this time to wish All the clippers a very Marry Christmas and A Happy New Year! and for those of you that will or are traveling whether in a clipper or what to becarefull and safe


Ed and Nancy
76 440 Dodge 821f RK  ACOC# 3774


Happy holidays to everyone out there in "clipper world"
Lauren and I are spending Christmas in Sedona Az. Then up to Grand Canyon where it is reportedly 15 degrees at night,!   We're not scared!  We're in the Clipper...cozy and safe.
Safe travels in 1014 to all,,, hope to see and meet more of you in the future.
Steve and Lauren
1979 440 Dodge 21' Bunk      #3766
     Murphys, California