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Power stearing double pulley

Started by John Mey, February 06, 2004, 08:17:00 AM

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John Mey

Can anyone give me some precise info on doubling up the power steering belts so they dont slip and screech on my 77 Clipper 440. I am a new owner and I just sent my $20 membership fee in but I cannot yet get into the "tech" site to get more info. I have a parts list for what I need but Dodge does not stock the "bracket" part #04115786. Also I got some info on instead installing a (extra idler for a second water pump drive belt). I dont completely understand this and a guy is trying to help me get this sorted out right now and I would appreciate any info on getting the fix on this. I probably wont get confirmation on my membership for a few days, so if anyone can give me some more thourough instructions I would be grateful. Thanks........John


John,  I know that you're probably set on the double pulley fix, but I found that getting the "proper" amount of tension on the single belt plus a little belt dressing (from your auto parts store) ended the slipping and squealing.  What's the "proper" tension?  Well, it's not a long belt - I think 1/2" of deflection between the pulleys is about right.  Mine's run that way quite a while (15,000 miles) with no problems.
 - uncleleroy

John Mey

Uncleleroy......I may try that. I have read a couple a different things now. I just found out that there is a Ford double pulley that fits perfectly in place of the single one there now. I have the part number so may check that out. In the mean time I may just try what you suggested. Looking forward to getting all these little bugs taken care of and the upcoming spring to take some journeys with my new cabin on wheels. I'm done with tents, camp stoves, coolers, and dusty camp sites.  later.......John


HELLO RANGER: About the dual belt mod IMPROVEMENT
Yes What 'UncleLeroy' said about belt tension and dressing     The Dual belt mod eliminates all of these problems Bob Chaney 2626

John Mey

Thanks for input. Yes, I would like to install a dual belt configuration. However, I am having difficulty doing it. I got the parts list, but Dodge doesnt stock the "bracket" part. Still not sure how it all fits together. I also got info that Ford produced a dual pulley that simply fits in place of the single one there now. Trouble is, Ford quit making that part a few years ago, and they have none in stock. The short end of this is that I have just a little info on the subject but not quite enough to actually make the modification. It would help if someone could tell me exactly what is involved besides just a part number. I am still waiting for my membership confirmation, so I cant yet access the "Tech Forum".  ...Ranger


Does anyone know what year and model Ford the above mentioned double pully was used on?  Ford may have quit making them but they should be available in our nearest friendly junkyard. Bob


Regarding JuneBob's comments above - double belts will also put extra stress on bearings, probably at least as much as single belt.  - uncleleroy


Bob Mollerous- Ford Dual pulley.
In 1998 as per tech tips # 60-5. When I received the Ford number from Harvey Legg- ACOC#537 ,Mesa Ariz.It was #E3uc3de73ca.This number worked with a local Ford dealer. In tech tips # 73-15 the number was erroniously entered as Ecuc3dc73ca '. Then again on 6-16-00 the origonal number E3uc3de73ca was reconfirmed by Ted Baker-ACOC#3094. Harvey legg had stated the duall pulley was from a pick up year model he had PREVIOUSLT OWNED, perhaps indicating it was older than his clipper??    Good luck. Bob Chaney #2626

John Mey

JuneBob....Thanks for the reply. I have now got 3 different numbers for that part. The two you mentioned, and one I found in the November 2000 issue of The Clipper Journal where it gives the number as E3UC3D673CA.  That seventh digit is either a E, C, or a 6. But Im gettin closer. I'll get it. Thanks again.....Ranger.


UncleLeroy-Bearing stress.
Conceivably dual belts COULD put more stress on the bearings than a single belt. However dual belts do not have to be cinched up as tight as a single belt to establish and hold traction.Hence, LESS stress on the bearings    Bob #2626


Bob, I think you're probably winning this one   , but let me include this quote from Haynes  DODGE & PLYMOUTH VANS, Automotive Repair Manual : . . . "if the distance from pulley center-to-pulley center is between 7 and 11 inches, the belt should deflect  1/4-inch. If the belt travels between pulleys spaced 12 to 16 inches apart, the belt should deflect  1/2 -inch."
I'm presuming the manufacturer's recommended tension takes bearing stress into account; but I'll concede that double belting, while an expensive fix, will probably be more maintenance-free.   Uncleleroy

Tryon #3185

RE: Converting the power steering to the double belt system on the 440.
 In June 2002 I converted our rig. The past issues of ACOC provided me with three Ford part numbers, none of which was any longer available.
 E3UC3D673CA (no price), E3UZ3A733C $76.27 and E3TC3D673B $105.53 . The local Ford dealer, with his computer, came up with P/N E3TZ-3A733B, a new part,costs $109.53.Remove old pulley, take both to local machine shop. The new pulley's ID needs slight machining to exactly match old pulley,s ID.
Reinstall pump,add washers to shim alignment.

Tryon #3185

RE: Double power steering belt mods.(additional info)
If you have a double pulley in hand and want to do this yourself at home, try this.
Unbolt the pump and leave it hang on its hoses. Use special p/s pulley install/ remove tool MATCO TOOLS " MST93" about $75.00, being very carefull not to STRESS the HOSES. I then used two new NAPA p/n 257495 belts.I did have to shim the pump into alignment with washers. The mod was a total success, and the p/n MST93 now travels with us,as I never will be forced to part with my pulley.


As an owner of a 1977 Clipper 440 Dodge that ate power steering belts, like they were after dinner mints.  LISTEN  

John Mey

Thank you all for the good information.......Ranger