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Heater always on

Started by Anniepoo, August 18, 2011, 11:59:53 AM

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My dern heater's always on a bit - the 'car' heater in the dashboard. Any idea how to get it to knock it off?

Hank Jourdin

Anniepoo, change the heater control valve, it is letting  hot water get through the valve when it should be closed, hot water is circulating through the heater core causing heat to come from the blower vents. good luck Hank Out!


For the record, this turned out to be an exhaust leak

Hank Jourdin

Dear Anniepoo, please tell how you have an exhaust leak causing heat through your heater vent all the time, please I have to know for the record! Hank Out!


The exhaust leak was heating the engine compartment.
Slight air flow through the vents all the time, creating heater effect.

John Eversoll

Hi Anne, Even the exhaust maifols will make that dog house an OVEN

My cab air couldn't compete so I yanked it out.  Much more room to work on the engine

and about 75 lbs off the rig..  That means more things to install in the cabin.. YEA!!!

Someday, we will all have to meet somewhere...  Take care and have fun!!!

John E.