·         Revised: May 2008

·         This form supersedes all prior forms

·         You must be a member to order

·         Prices subject to change without notice


PAPER ITEMS                                                                      PRICE            QUAN            AMT

Diagram, coach electrical schematic _____________________________________ $ 2.75                   _______                  _______

Index, ACOC news through May 2002___________________________________                            5.00                         _______  _______

Complete set of back news letters including index __________________________                     75.00 +postage          _______  _______

Name tag, ACOC plastic ______________________________________________                            3.00                         _______  _______



Light bulbs #1003       ____________________________$.45 each or a box of 10 for $4.00      _______                  _______

Drain & strainer assembly, Kitchen sink and bathroom with tail piece____________                            8.00                         _______  _______

Faucet, bathroom, goose neck, 4" pipe centers _____________________________                             24.00                       _______  _______

Lens, white, ceiling light ______________________________________________                            1.50                         _______  _______

“O” rings (set of 2), Vollrath kitchen faucet ________________________________                           1.00                         _______  _______

Slide, screen door, 12" (newer coaches) ___________________________________                          13.50                       _______  _______

                                 9" (older coaches) ____________________________________                         9.50                         _______  _______

Spud, shower hose (threaded nipple) _____________________________________                           2.00                         _______  _______

Refrigerator travel lock_________________________________________________                          2.50                         _______  _______


Dodge 440 Thermostats (Mr Gasket brand) #4367 - 160 degree with new gasket ___                          15.00                       _______  _______

Alternator bolt, grade 8, 3/8"x5 ½", Dodge 440 ______________________________                        3.00                         _______  _______

Catch, rear door, white plastic, female _____________________________________                          1.00                         _______  _______

Catch, metal rear door stop, “Grippo”, male for above catch ___________________                            2.50                         _______  _______

Decal, ACOC small 3" round ___________________________________________                  1.00                         _______  _______

Decal, ACOC large 6" round ___________________________________________                   1.50                         _______  _______

Decal, replacement front/rear "American Clipper"_____________________________                4.00                         _______  _______

Drain cock, water tank, plastic, 3/8", barb __________________________________                          1.50                         _______  _______

                                                   ½" barb ___________________________________                         1.50                         _______  _______

Engine cover (“doghouse”) hardware, Dodge:

     Nylon nut _______________________________________________________                            1.50                         _______  _______

              Screw __________________________________________________________                   1.70                         _______  _______

      Clamp/bracket ___________________________________________________                            1.50                         _______  _______

Feet, ladder & roof rack, 60_ ___________________________________________                           3.50                         _______  _______

                                90_ _______________________________________________                           3.50                         _______  _______

Floormat, replacement American Clipper, rear step well _____________________ 15.00                     _______                  _______

Hatch,forward escape, complete assembly, rectangular 13 X 22________________                             67.00                       _______  _______

Lid, forward escape hatch, white, rectangular 13 X 22 _______________________                            36.00                       _______  _______

Labels (set of 11) utility safety warning___________________________________                            3.00                         _______  _______


     Truck lite complete assemble, Red ____________________________________                            5.00                         _______  _______

                                                     Amber __________________________________                           5.00                         _______  _______

License frame, “You’re Following An American” ___________________________                           2.00                         _______  _______

Light, license plate, white, ‘78-’80, new style, each  _________________________                            5.00                         _______  _______

Mirror, rear view, Velvac, small, 6"x6 ½" convex 704087 ____________________                            20.00                       _______  _______

                                  Small, 6"x6 ½" flat 704043 ___________________________                            20.00                       _______  _______

                                 Large, 6 ½ ‘x 10" flat 704044 __________________________                           20.00                       _______  _______

Mirror clamp kit for above mirrors 3/4 “__________________________________                             4.00                         _______  _______

Battery compartment door_____________________________________________                     80.00                       _______  _______

Electric compartment door_____________________________________________                             80.00                       _______  _______

Sewer system - easy dump valve system – side grey, rear black_________________                   85.00                       _______  _______

Sewer system - easy dump valve system – rear grey. side black________________                     75.00                       _______  _______

1 1/2" Waste Valve - replacement _____________________________________  9.00                        _______                  _______

3" Waste Valve - replacement _________________________________________ 10.00                     _______                  _______






Carry page 1 total to reverse side of this form _____________ _________________________               Page 1 Total         _______

18" Thermocouple / Water heater or furnace _____________________________         6.50                        _______                  _______

Tail Light Assembly - each ___________________________________________      35.00                        _______                  _______

Speedometer Cable - Dodge 110" _____________________________________       40.00                        _______                  _______

Water heater door, replacement, American Mor-Flo  ________________________     26.00                        _______                  _______

Windshield cover, reflectorized ACOC inside _____________________________     22.00                        _______                  _______

Windshield wiper arm, pivot (Teflon) ____________________________________     1.70                        _______                  _______

Twis-Loc Valve Parts

     Twis-Loc “O” ring, large ____________________________________________    5.00                        _______                  _______

     Twis-Loc “O” ring, small ____________________________________________   3.00                        _______                  _______

     Twis-Loc Valve overhaul kit __________________ not available until further notice _______                _______

Hehr Window Parts (as in American Clipper)

     Torque operator, right hand slant sill ___________________________________    5.00                        _______                  _______

     Torque brackets, pair _______________________________________________    7.00                        _______                  _______

             Glass glazing bead, black sold by the foot________________________________     .75                        _______                  _______

     Window Handle  __________________________________________________    1.50                        _______                  _______



Screw Cover Molding

     Plastic insert 3/4" screw cover molding, sold by the foot,

          Replaces black coach molding, not windows.__________________________      .75                        _______                  _______



Patch, ACOC round embroidered, brown & orange _________________________     5.00                        _______                  _______

Patch, American Clipper logo, embroidered, 4"_____________________________     5.00                        _______                  _______

Patch, Clipper/Morgan Hill/Flying Lady embroidered ________________________    3.00                        _______                  _______

Logo Pin, American Clipper ___________________________________________      2.50                        _______                  _______

Mug, ACOC logo ___________________________________________________     4.00                        _______                  _______

Pin/tie tac, Clipper 1" silhouette _________________________________________     2.00                        _______                  _______

Cap, blue, ACOC logo ________________________________________________    5.00                        _______                  _______

Visor, ACOC logo, blue ______________________________________________     5.00                        _______                  _______

Visor, ACOC logo, brown _____________________________________________    5.00                        _______                  _______


Windows - shipping charges extra on windows

        4 rear bath side kitchen - back window ___________________________________   40.00                        _______                  _______

        9 small escape - rear __________________________________________________  40.00                        _______                  _______

        3 rear kitchen side bath - frosted w/inside frame included _____________________   90.00                        _______                  _______

        6 large rear - for 24' - clear _____________________________________________  90.00                        _______                  _______

        1 large rear - for 24' - clear - cracked - make offer____________________________                                   _______                  _______


Shipping charges: Up to $10.00-$3.00; Up to $20.00-$4.50; Up to $30.00-$6.00; Up to $45.00-$7.50; Up to $60.00-$9.00;

        Up to $75.00-$12.00; Up to $90.00-$13.00; Up to $125 - $18.00, Up to $150 - $20


Ship to:                                                                                                                                                                    Sub total page 2       _______

                                                                                                                                                                        Sub total page 1       _______

Name _____________________________________ ACOC # __________________ Shipping/handling                                         _______

                                                                                                                                         If outside USA, you will be billed

                                                                                                                                         For any extra shipping costs

Address _____________________________________________________________  Total payment due                                        $_______



City, State, Zip ________________________________________________ Note your membership number on your check                                                                                                                                                                         and make it payable to American Clipper  Owners Club.



Send order to: Willetta Mealoy #1150

                           3213 Meadowbrook                           Allow up to 4 weeks for delivery

                           Antioch, CA 94509                               Remember, all officers are volunteers.